If you have questions or need immediate assistance, please call us!



  • We believe that having a plan in place is good stewardship for what God has entrusted us with. Having a vision is powerful and so needed, but having practical strategies and plans implemented and ready for action is when we begin to see the plan of God unfold for our ministries and businesses.

  • We realize that one of the significant barriers to accessing resources and services is simply financial constraint.  Be assured that all fees are based on the scope of services required/requested, and where it is possible, we can keep fees lower by providing many services through video-conferencing, limiting the expense of on-site visits to only those critical to the service provided.  

    In addition, where desired, we also offer the opportunity for us to help you secure the funding for the services you request, by sharing the services with a small group of individuals in your ministry that might be willing to invest the “seed-money” for a great return in ministry impact. Feel free to discuss this option with us.

  • Yes! Our consulting processes are fully available via virtual sessions, making use of group video conferencing technology, one-on-one consultant phone calls, and multiple other digital resources. 

    The benefits include a lower financial investment (because there's no travel time or expenses) and the most flexibility for your team when it comes to scheduling your consulting sessions.

  • Our ultimate goal is to see you succeed. At the end of our time working together, you will have a laser-focused team standing beside you working towards your goals. There will be no question what the next steps are as you walk out the plan of God for your ministry and/or business.

    Most importantly, when all of this works together, we believe you will see more people take their next steps with Jesus than ever before.