Where there is no vision, the people will perish! Where there is no people who fund the vision, the vision will perish! We believe that before God ever places a “vision” in the heart of a leader or a ministry, He has already created the “provision” to fund the vision. Most leaders/organizations simply need a healthy, inspiring and Biblical strategy for connecting the “provision” to the “vision”.

The Imagine Campaign provides the training, the strategy and the tools to connect the “provision” to the “vision” in your ministry. However, unlike most “capital stewardship campaign” services who ask for donor lists and make uncomfortable financial solicitations, the Imagine Campaign focuses on connecting people to the vision through a specific Imagine Journey.

The “Imagine Journey” is a holistic approach that combines themed weekends, “Imagine Devotional/Prayer Journals,” opportunities for simple but highly effective engagement resulting in a meaningful spiritual experience. The results we consistently include: increased visitor/guest flow, new decisions/rededication’s for Christ, new ministry volunteers, increased giving in tithes/offerings.

In addition to the holistic church health benefits, the Imagine Campaign consistently generates between 1 and 3 times the churches annual income for a specific ministry project, ministry staff expansion or facility enhancement and expansion. (In some cases, the newly generated funds achieve all three objectives.) Since we began our first vision-funding campaigns over 30 years ago, we have helped ministries generate over $500 Million in additional ministry funds (over and above their annual ministry budget). That’s over ½ Billion dollars for ministry projects, expanding ministry staff and facility enhancements and expansion projects. We would love to partner with you/your ministry to turn your dreams into reality!

No church, project or budget is too small or large. We’ve worked with ministries with as little as 50 people and $50,000 annual ministry income, to churches of 5,000 with a multi-million-dollar ministry budget. We can even help you generate the funds to cover the expenses for our services.

Fill out the form and we will be in touch with you soon! This is just the beginning of something great!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us...
— Ephesians 3:20 NKJV